Aim and Scope


YENİSEY International Journal of Language, Literature and Education is an international, peer-reviewed and indexed journal that started its publication life in 2020. Our journal aims to publish researches and serve scientists in the basic fields of educational sciences and philology determined by YÖK and UAK.

YENİSEY International Journal of Language, Literature and Education is an open access journal that can be accessed free of charge by readers.

YeniSEY International Journal of Language, Literature and Education, every article uploaded to the system is checked objectively from a scientific point of view and forwarded to expert referees. This process is maintained with a great privacy policy. YENİSEY Journal is based on the double-blind refereeing process. The articles whose peer-review process is completed are placed in the order of publication according to their arrival date.

An important aim of YENİSEY International Journal of Language, Literature and Education is to become a highly cited and followed all over the world journal in the fields of Turkish education, foreign language teaching, linguistics, language education, literature and translation science.


YENİSEY International Journal of Language, Literature and Education aims to serve as an online publication platform that scientists and researchers can benefit from for studies in the following fields:

Educational Sciences Basic Area: Turkish Education, Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language, Basic Education, Foreign Language Education

Basic Field of Philology: New Turkish Literature, Classical Turkish Literature, Turkish Folklore, New Turkish Language, Old Turkish Language, Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literatures, Translation Studies, Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Children's Literature